Privacy Policy is Powered by 247Mission LLC ( - We don't sell or hand over any information in our database to anyone including a third party of any kind. We charge a small fee for some of our services to cover the costs instead.
Please note, if you choose to terminate your membership all information will be completely removed immediately after you have terminated your account. We use website tracker to anonymously track which pages are visited from where. The tracker is installed locally on our servers and we don't share any visitor information with others e.g. Google through google analytics. We use Stripe or Paypal to manage payments and subscriptions. We never receive or store your credit card information except for the card type, the name on the card and the last 4 digits.
Any questions or concerns, please contact us:
Please note, if you choose to terminate your membership all information will be completely removed immediately after you have terminated your account. We use website tracker to anonymously track which pages are visited from where. The tracker is installed locally on our servers and we don't share any visitor information with others e.g. Google through google analytics. We use Stripe or Paypal to manage payments and subscriptions. We never receive or store your credit card information except for the card type, the name on the card and the last 4 digits.
Any questions or concerns, please contact us: