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Netanyahu-Bennett Transition Off to a Rocky Start

As Netanyahu leaves the Prime Minister’s office for the first time in 12 years, the political transition has been anything but easy.

The first transition of the Israeli Prime Minister’s office in 12 years has not been easy for both the current and former PM. 

Media sources have reported that both Benjamin Netanyahu and his successor Naftali Bennett have been uncooperative during this important political transition.

After a 12-year second term as Prime Minister, Netenyahu has been under a lot of controversy after a corruption investigation was opened against him in 2016. According to reporting by Haaretz, prior to Netanyahu transitioning power, he ordered workers to shred documents in the Prime Minister’s office. 

While representatives of Netenyahu have called the accusations “a total lie,” media reports of the incident have led to calls for a full government probe from the Knesset, Israel’s supreme legislative body. 

It was a move many called unusual, considering past Prime Ministers have traditionally archived documents from their terms in office. Haaretz cited some political officials as describing the Bennet and Netanyahu team’s apparent lack of cooperation as “a blow to government continuity” and something that would likely “hinder the orderly and proper transfer of power from one government to the next.”

Meanwhile, the incoming Bennet has not been any more cordial in his assumption of power. The new Prime Minister is reportedly pressuring the former PM to vacate the official residence, giving him a fourteen-day ultimatum to do so. 

Times of Israel reported that outrage grew after a picture of Netenyahu hosting former US ambassador Nikki Haley and Christians United for Israel founder John Hagee. 

Many questioned why the former Prime Minister was still allowed to host foreign representatives at the residence after being ousted from power. In addition to the notice to vacate, Bennett’s government has also announced procedures to enact legislation determining a formal timeline for former Prime Ministers to adhere to when leaving the residence.     

Netenyahu remains the longest serving Prime Minister in Israel’s history, with over 15 total years in office between his first and second terms. During his time in power, he has garnered much criticism, but has also been credited for his role in the US-moderated Abraham Accords that saw a number of Arab Countries normalize ties with Israel. 


Source: Morocco World News.

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